On the Day
Match Day
Bulimba Cricket Club greatly values all of its volunteers that act in the role of coach or manager. We provide the required information to help you, to help our players.
Match Day Roles and Responsibilities
Our team officials are entrusted by the club to see that our values are upheld and demonstrated not only by our players, but also themselves on match day. It is the club's expectation that those volunteering as officials and representing the club will act as role models, always positively supporting our teams and players.

We seek to have all of our coaches accredited via completion of the Level 1 Community Coach course and by following the club's Coaching Pathways. Coaches provide our players with organised and well-structured training sessions. This ensures the core skills of the game are always being practiced and allows our players to develop as cricketers over their Junior Cricket years. On match day, coaches provide the support and structure needed so that our players can have a fun and enjoyable game.
All coaches are required to be Blue Card verified, as per our member protection policy.

Our team managers provide the link between club and team. Part of their responsibility is to ensure communications and club updates are provided to families and players throughout the season. The manager also assists the team coach by organising rosters for umpiring, scoring and other game duties. Mangers are encouraged to complete the Level 1 Community Coach course, allowing them to act in the role of coach should the need arise. All our Managers are required to be Blue Card verified.

Steps to achieve a successful match day experience
The following is a series of steps to follow in order to prepare and run a successful match day:
Pre-Match Day
During the week, the manager communicates to the team details of the upcoming fixture, including time, location and any special instructions, as well as a reminder of the families rostered on for both umpiring and scoring duty.
The night before match day, the coach ensures the batting and bowling orders have been determined and the team selection has been made in MyCricket, with a Captain and Wicketkeeper(s) nominated.
The coach also fills in the scorebook with the batting and bowling orders, this helps the match-day scorer and saves time before the start of play.
Match Day
The coach is to arrive early and if they are the home team, they are to set the field up with markers and wickets etc. and organise warm up activities, ready for their teams arrival.
An inspection of the field is to be completed by the manager, along with the Marsh Insurance Checklist.
Conduct warm up activities and advise the team on who will be match Captain and Wicketkeeper(s).
The coach takes the team Captain to meet the coach and Captain of the opposition, and carries out either a coin or bat toss.
Scorers and umpires ensure they have all equipment required to carry out their role, and make themselves known to the opposition scorer or umpire.
Ensure the game commences at the designated start time.
Post-Match Day
The coach enters the match result in MyCricket, and if required also enters player stats
Coach to prepare for the next training session
Match Day Resources
The coach is the last to leave, no children are to be left at any ground by themselves
Wet Weather Procedure
Regardless of wet weather or if wet weather is predicted, always assume the game is on until the ground has been inspected. In the event of continual wet weather occurring pre-match day, an inspection of Bulimba Cricket grounds will be attempted prior, and notice provided to teams of the conditions. It is the responsibility of the home team to contact the opposition in order to advise them on the state of the ground, and if play can get underway. Where possible, our social media channels will be updated on ground availability.